horror, movies

Day 2 of the 30 Day Horror Challenge

Day 02 ā€“ The horror film that you relate most to…

This was a tough one, because I don’t typically watch movies that I think I can relate to. I watch movies to escape reality and to be entertained. But I decided to go with CHRISTINE for this challenge. Based on the classic Stephen King novel and directed by the great director John Carpenter, it’s the story of a nerdy kid who transforms into a kinda cool kid with the help of his demon-possessed car. And what nerdy kid doesn’t want to be transformed into someone kinda cool? Alas, I was never transformed. But I wanted to be. So I guess I relate to this movie. I guess.

(see the 30 Day Horror Challenge here.)

2 thoughts on “Day 2 of the 30 Day Horror Challenge”

  1. Yeah, Arnie is a nerd that’s easy to relate to. Besides, who’s cool car hasn’t possessed them into strangling their date? Arnie was such a nice kid until that crazy car seduced him, but I can relate to his enjoying his sudden popularity. Teen Witch was like that for me, only not so much a horror movie.

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